USSSA Director Updates

On this page, you will find updates and information regarding those updates for USSSA Directors.  We will post updates by date when items get added or updated regarding your USSSA Event Management.  Please check back here frequently for updates.

February 10, 2016 Event Search & Single Event Landing Page Updates


This email is coming out to update you on changes being made to the management site and the team site.  These changes center around the concept of Single Events.  Traditionally in the past, you have created each division of a tournament as a stand alone event.  They were grouped for billing purposes, but the divisions were their own independent units that were administered and displayed as such.

As of Friday, these Divisions will be grouped into Events. You will be able to manage these Events, as well as the individual Divisions.  Teams will begin to see these as complete Events.  This update will detail below how these changes are implemented, how you manage them, and what they will look like to the user.

Here are some of the concepts that are covered in the below pages:

The changes have already been made on the site.  You may have noticed many of these updates already.  Those are live and are ready for your use.  The updates have not been published to in an effort to give you the director some time to make updates and changes to your events before this goes live.  We have launched a TEST SITE that you can use to see your events and what they look like on there.  Please DO NOT link ANYTHING to the Beta site.  This is only in place for testing and will be taken down shortly after the updates have been released to

We have provided some articles that detail the changes that have been made.  Please read through them carefully to see all of the new options you have and what can be done.

Date Area Update
2/10/2016 Event Search/Single Event Page Quick Event Search
2/10/2016 Event Search/Single Event Page Search Results
2/10/2016 Event Search/Single Event Page Event Management Tools

After you have read through these articles, you will need to perform some functions to be sure that your Events are going to display as you want them.  Here is your checklist of things that need to be accomplished:

  1. View Events for Grouping
    1. Go to Event Editor
    2. Check your tournament list.  Look to see that each event has the correct amount of Divisions (On the Event row, look for Divs-#)
      1. Be sure this number is correct.
    3. Next, click on the button that says:  [ (beta site) Event Single Landing Page ].  This button will bring up your Single Event Landing Page.
      1. Check the Division Table to make sure that all of your Division in the event are correct.
    4. If you find divisions that DO NOT belong in this event, you will need to use the [ Break Event Apart (button will disable after clicked until complete) ]
      1. Once you press this button, be patient, this process takes a few seconds.  Once the button becomes active again, the Event window will refresh and the Event will be split.
      2. After the tournament has been split, you can re-group the divisions that needed to be together into one Event.
    5. If you find divisions that are supposed to be in this Event but are not, from the Event window, select the current Event and the Event that need to be combined into one and press [ Combine Events ].
    6. Continue through all of your events until you get all of them Grouped properly so that they display on the Single Event Landing Page.
  2. Update Social Channels, Rainout Information, and Tournament Logo
    1. You can add Social Media links for your Tournament Company, Park, Tournament, etc.  You can add one Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram link.
      1. This has to be the FULL link, not just the @CompanyName shortcut.
    2. You can add a Rainoutline Phone number, Link to a URL, or both.
    3. Upload and Event Logo for your Event
      1. This file must be a .JPEG image.  File size is restricted to 250KB.
  3. Establish Look Who's Coming Preference
    1. After you have grouped your events, you have to set your Look Who's Coming Preferences.  You have three options (see articles for descriptions of the options):
      1. Don't Display Teams to Public
      2. Display Teams All in One Listing
      3. Display Teams By Division Entered
  4. Establish Look Who's Coming Display Options and Entry Count Protocol
    1. This option gives you the flexibility to determine what you want displayed on your LWC and how you want it displayed.  It also is how you want Team Entries counted towards your Max Entries.
    2. There are four options that you can choose from.  Please visit the articles above to read about these Options and select the one that best matches the protocol you want used for your event.
  5. Update your Comments and State Director Comments
    1. Look over your test page and get a feel for the layout and determine how and what you would like posted in the Event Comments section.
    2. Comments are placed between the Division Table and the Look Who's Coming List. 

If you complete all of these processes, your events should be ready for display.

For questions, please email