Canned Food
Drive Details
Central Iowa Sports is teaming up with
the Food Bank of Iowa to Blast away Hunger
We need
players, coaches, parents and fans to collect cans and bring to park
Saturday, April 16th.
The top
4 teams that collect the most items win great prizes.
Food Drive Guidelines
No Glass
No Pet Food
No Frozen Food
No Homemade Food
No Expired Food
Only Non Perishable food items
Food Drive Contest Rules
Items will be turned in as a team at time of check in.
Items must be in Original Package
Each item/package counts as one - ex: 12 pack of water - counts as
1. you can't take the water out and count it as 12 separate items
Special Double Point Items
Most needed items will count double points:
Peanut butter
Canned meat
Canned fish (e.g. tuna)
Canned vegetables
Canned fruit
Canned soup
Dry pasta
Breakfast items (including cereal)
100% fruit juice
Paper and personal products - bar soap, diapers, toothpaste,
Prizes awarded for the highest total
item count turned in.
Free CIS Tournament Entry ($360 max)
Free CIS Gate Fee ($205 value)
3rd Place
2 Dozen Baseballs
4th Place
1 Dozen Baseballs |